Search Results for: case western reserve university
Top 30 MPH/MBA Dual Degrees
Dual MPH and MBA programs offer several benefits to students who choose to go the extra mile by taking a double major. Dual MBA programs that include a public health administration degree allow the graduate to meet the strict educational requirements of high-level leadership positions in both the public and private sectors. Taking on a leadership role involves a large number of responsibilities and requires someone who has advanced skills when managing the daily operations… Continue Reading
Top 25 MPH Nutrition Programs
Nutrition is an often-overlooked aspect of public health, passed over for the more news-worthy items like epidemics and environmental crises. But it's important to realize that many of our largest public health issues - such as obesity, heart disease, and even cancer - could be alleviated, if not eradicated, with better nutrition. Because nutrition is so key to overall health, helping communities improve their nutrition and understanding the ways that food access influences population health… Continue Reading
25 Best MPH Programs for International Students
Public Health is one of the most truly international of occupations; in an increasingly connected world, public health is a global concern, and what happens across the ocean - whether epidemics, natural disasters, or environmental pollution - impacts everyone. With some of the most influential and innovative public health schools in the world, the US is a destination for international students who want to study public health. Whether they are researching public health to return… Continue Reading
Top 25 MPH in Global Health Programs
As the world’s human population grows - currently at 7.6 billion people, and expected to reach more than 9 billion in the next two decades - global public health has become one of the most critical issues of our time. Public health may mean disease prevention, treating epidemics and pandemics, responding to natural and manmade disasters, or promoting healthy practices and development, but few people outside of the field realize how crucial public health is.… Continue Reading
20 Most Affordable Dual Public Health and Nursing Programs
Nurses have been on the front lines of public health since the concept of “public health” first began developing in the late 19th century. After all, they are the ones working directly with patients, hands-on in the midst of epidemics, emergencies, and disasters. But until relatively recently, it was rare that nurses had the opportunity to take on leadership positions in the public health field. That began to change as nursing became more credentialed and… Continue Reading
25 Most Affordable Disaster Management MPH Degrees
Emergency and disaster management is one of the fastest-growing segments of public health, as post-9/11 investments in homeland security, law enforcement, and emergency response have made for a well-funded, but often confusing and conflicting system. In the 21st century - framed by disasters both natural, and man-made, from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Maria, to the volcanic eruptions of Hawaii - one thing has become abundantly clear: a proper response to… Continue Reading
Top 40 Online Public Health Certificate Programs
Public Health is the science and practice of disease prevention and evidence-based approaches to ensure the well-being of populations. As a practice, people with Public Health jobs address health at the population level, rather than the individual level. It is like thinking of the forest of wellness, rather than the tree. Public Health is a naturally interdisciplinary field that developed from essentially blending the emerging needs of social work and nursing. As such, public health… Continue Reading