When you make the decision to study public health, you may find yourself evaluating different universities and programs. A key consideration is where to study for your degree. While a rural college may seem interesting, you should consider studying in larger cities (New York City, for instance, but by no means do you have to go that big). By understanding the reasons you want to consider studying in a larger city, you will have the tools to finalize your decisions.
Opportunities for Public Health Internships and Experience
The importance of health education cannot be ignored. The public health education definition is the science of improving health at the community level. It focuses on safety and health among large populations. It plays an essential role in ensuring that people have clean water to drink, high-quality air to breathe, and nutritious food to eat. When you obtain a public health education, you prepare for careers in a variety of industries and environments.
A key aspect of selecting schools with public health education programs is looking into the experience you gain from the opportunities available in your local area. You want to look for schools that are accredited by the CEPH and offer internship programs and scholarships through organizations like the Society for Public Health Education to give you experience for your career.
Studying in an urban environment gives you access to potential opportunities. You will be able to find more internships or job opportunities to gain experience while you work on your degree. It gives you the chance to take a hands-on approach to your studies by learning from experience.
Access to Current Public Health Research Opportunities
While access to internship opportunities and experience is a key reason to consider studying in a city, you also want to consider your access to public health research. The types of public health research available constantly change as new information becomes available. Studying in a city keeps you up-to-date with the latest public health research topics and public health research methods used in a professional environment. Crucial public health areas like epidemiology and biostatistics are far more accessible in an urban environment. Population health, in turn, can be studied more effectively with large populations.
Obtaining an internship also means you will have public health research opportunities. Your school may offer opportunities directly through research programs. You may also have access to opportunities in a private company, medical facility, or a government program. Access to current research may be limited in rural environments due to the limited number of people living in the local area.
Opportunities for Public Health Careers
An aspect you do not want to overlook when evaluating a college or university is the career opportunities. Public health careers are more plentiful in large urban environments. You may have limited public health research jobs in a rural environment, but you can expect more opportunities for your career in a city.
Whether you are looking into careers in health education and promotion, or you want to work in research and find solutions to health concerns, a city offers more options for your goals. Population Health Managers will find much more opportunity in the city, where public health agencies have their offices.
Keep in mind that the public health educator salary will differ from the public health researcher salary. When it comes to your salary and benefits, you will notice that different companies and jobs offer variable options. You want to compare different public health education and promotion jobs and career opportunities before you decide on an area of specialization. You can study specialized fields of public health, or you can focus on taking an active role in public health education. A city gives you more options for your career when you finish a degree.
Studying public health in a city gives you an advantage when you apply for a job. You have opportunities for internships and research programs, as well as careers after you graduate. Larger cities also have more up-to-date research, which allows you to keep up with modern advances in public health and safety.
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