Why Choose an On-Campus MPH Program?
By Sam MacArthur

Online education has become much more mainstream in recent years, making it more viable for students to enroll in virtual public health programs. Online learning continues to rise in popularity, but is this new form of learning preferable to the traditional model of on-campus education?

Why pursue a masters in public health online in the first place? There are quite a few advantages to online learning: it offers the same accreditation but with flexible scheduling, no commute, and generally lower costs. However, there are plenty of advantages that in-person learning still holds over the online world. For MPH students, on-campus learning means better MPH internship opportunities, stronger networking, and more practicum. Those advantages, in turn, mean higher-level MPH career potential, and higher public health careers salaries. That’s why MPH on-campus programs are worth considering.

1. What public health practicum opportunities are available to students?

Students who are enrolled in a master’s program may be eligible to practice and experience the healthcare field firsthand, making the importance of practicum to students vital. Public health practicum opportunities allow students to apply skills and knowledge under the guidance of real healthcare professionals. On-campus education tends to provide more MPH internship opportunities than online education.

2. What is the importance of practicum to students?

Studying through practice is vital for many fields, especially the healthcare field, and public health practicum opportunities are a hallmark of any good program. The importance of practicum to students cannot be overstated. Health practitioners need to develop familiarity and confidence when working with human anatomy or physiology. One of the benefits of studying public health on-campus is that MPH internship opportunities will provide solid experience and practicum in public health.

3. Why is networking so important?

Like any other field of work, establishing connections is a huge step in ensuring success. When your mentor has friends at the CDC, for instance, a job could be in the bag. Graduates are able to find more success by networking with other public health professionals. On-campus MPH programs involve more socialization and peer interaction than online learning would, which is why MPH programs on-campus still hold an advantage over online.

4. Do in-person students have access to more current research?

Generally, yes. With on-campus learning, students tend to have access to the most relevant resources and information available within the healthcare field. Current research will better enhance the student’s learning experience, ensuring that the students are more equipped to pursue an MPH career. Access to current research is one of the biggest benefits of studying public health on-campus.

5. Why pursue a masters in public health?

Rather than focusing on individual treatment of medical conditions, public health is a field that broadly looks at the population. Public health professionals work to promote health through preventative methods. This vital work is often done through research programs, services, policy, and health system development. MPH careerists aim to make a difference in the community at large, and on an international public health scale. Public health careers salaries also make an MPH an attractive option.

6. Is on-campus education more structured than online education?

Yes. While online courses require plenty of self-discipline, on-campus courses naturally come with more guidance through face-to-face interaction with the teachers. Students tend to feel more structured and organized in an on-campus environment than they would online, one reason why MPH majors choose on-campus.

7. Is in-person learning more effective?

This largely depends on your individual learning style. Some students flourish with on-campus education, while others may need the specific benefits that come with online learning. Ultimately, in-person learning provides a more personalized experience, while online learning offers a specific kind of convenience. When it comes to an MPH career, in-person learning may be more valuable to the student. On-campus education may make a difference in creating high public health careers salaries.