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  • Does Location Matter? The Benefits of Big City Public Health Education

    When you make the decision to study public health, you may find yourself evaluating different universities and programs. A key consideration is where to study for your degree. While a rural college may seem interesting, you should consider studying in larger cities (New York City, for instance, but by no means do you have to go that big). By understanding the reasons you want to consider studying in a larger city, you will have the… Continue Reading

  • 25 Best MPH Programs for International Students

    Public Health is one of the most truly international of occupations; in an increasingly connected world, public health is a global concern, and what happens across the ocean - whether epidemics, natural disasters, or environmental pollution - impacts everyone. With some of the most influential and innovative public health schools in the world, the US is a destination for international students who want to study public health. Whether they are researching public health to return… Continue Reading

  • Urban Public Health and the Future of the Human Race

    Urbanization is a force all around the world. According to UN statistics, as much as 68% of the world population - more than two-thirds - will be living in urban areas by 2050. Some researchers counter that those estimates are actually too conservative - in some areas of Central Asia, Asia, and Africa, the numbers could be closer to 90%. The future is mega-cities, and the human race will have to adapt to living in… Continue Reading

  • Post Wildfires: the Call for Public Health Workers in California

    Wildfires in California have become so familiar in the news that it’s easy for those outside of the Golden State to forget just how serious a risk wildfire is. The most devastating fire of 2018, the Northern California Camp Fire, burned more than 100,000 acres of forest, destroyed more than 13,000 residences, and killed more than 80 people while leaving thousands homeless. The cost of damages has been estimated at higher than $7 billion. All… Continue Reading

  • 15 Best MPH Programs in New York

    New York is a place where pubic health is put to the test. With nearly 9 million people in New York City alone, and densely-populated suburbs all around the city, there are few places in the world that present more of a challenge to keeping populations healthy. Disease prevention, health promotion, and cutting-edge research define the best MPH programs in New York, from the city’s elite private universities to some of the world’s foremost public… Continue Reading

  • 20 Best MPH Programs in California

    California has the largest population in the US, several of the largest cities in the nation, and the most economically, racially, and culturally diverse population in the union. That makes public health a particular concern for California, because what happens in California, quite literally, makes an impact on the rest of the world. From natural disasters like wildfires and earthquakes to environmental hazards of development and urban sprawl, California has its dangers. Add to that… Continue Reading

  • Why Choose an On-Campus MPH Program?

    Online education has become much more mainstream in recent years, making it more viable for students to enroll in virtual public health programs. Online learning continues to rise in popularity, but is this new form of learning preferable to the traditional model of on-campus education? Why pursue a masters in public health online in the first place? There are quite a few advantages to online learning: it offers the same accreditation but with flexible scheduling,… Continue Reading

  • Is a Bachelor’s in Public Health Worth It?

    When it comes to choosing the best value public health program for your undergraduate education, it’s not all about the money. While cost may pay a significant role in deciding among programs, higher tuition does not necessarily translate into a better program, and vice versa. What is important is the full scope of return on investment for a BS in Public Health. The cost of the degree is only a small part of the equation;… Continue Reading

  • 25 Best Value Campus Public Health Bachelor’s Programs

    A public health major is a choice with a wide range of options and enormous potential for any student with an interest in healthcare, health sciences, health administration, or global service. Public health is a rapidly growing sector, and expected to grow even more as the US population ages, Millennials have children, and the minority population becomes the majority. As we become more aware of the full picture of how interconnected life - from environmental… Continue Reading

  • 25 Most Affordable Campus MPH Programs

    There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a Master in Public Health degree program: quality of the program, concentrations offered, the opportunity for mentorship in a student’s specific interests, student life, and location, to name a few. In addition, prospective students need to consider the cost of attending graduate school and the potential amount of debt owed upon completing the degree. Given that recent data puts graduating masters students at an average… Continue Reading

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